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The most effective free access search to equip your Dofus characters!
Unique, Dofus help proposes the best compromise between several criteria.
With a few clicks, you identify the various objects for your equipment.
You view and select all the criteria in a wink.
Hide and restore with a click the malus, the conditions, the incarnations, the ethereal weapons or the two handed weapons.
They are all there, weapons, equipments, consumables, pets and dragoturkey to improve your character.
Search% Water Resistance in PvP Objects
Weapons Equipment Dofus or Trophy Pets Consumables EffectsProspecting :
- Criteria 3 Weapons Damage ResistancesEarth Resistance in PvP :
Water Resistance in PvP :
Neutral Resistance in PvP :
% Earth Resistance in PvP :
% Fire Resistance in PvP :
% Water Resistance in PvP :
- Criteria 2 % Air Resistance in PvP :
EffectsProspecting :
- Criteria 3 Weapons Damage ResistancesEarth Resistance in PvP :
Water Resistance in PvP :
Neutral Resistance in PvP :
% Earth Resistance in PvP :
% Fire Resistance in PvP :
% Air Resistance in PvP :
Effects Weapons Damage ResistancesEarth Resistance in PvP :
Water Resistance in PvP :
Neutral Resistance in PvP :
% Earth Resistance in PvP :
% Fire Resistance in PvP :
% Water Resistance in PvP :
- Criteria 2 % Air Resistance in PvP :
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Dofus Help is a fan site for Dofus players. The official website is
The illustrations are derived from original works by Ankama Game.
dofus help search is a realization of the Montané brothers.
Have a look on our
acknowledgments page.